Steganography is the technique of hiding private or sensitive information within something that appears to be nothing in an usual image. Steganography involves hiding Text so it appears that to be a normal image or other file. If a person views that object which has hidden information inside, he or she will have no idea that there is any secrete information. What steganography essentially does is exploit human perception, human senses are not trained to look for files that have information inside of them. What this system does is, it lets user to send text as secrete message inside an image file, user uploads the image and enters the text to send secretly, and gives a key or a pass word to lock the text, what this key does is it encrypts the text, so that even if it is hacked by hacker he will not be able to read the text. You will need the key to decrypt the hidden text. User then sends the image and key to the receiver and receiver first opens the image, and then he enters the key or password for decryption of text, he then press decrypt key to get secret text of the sender. By using this method you can double ensure that your secret message is sent secretly without outside interference of hackers or crackers. If sender sends this image in public others will not know what is it, and it will be received by receiver.
Sender’s Part:
1. Sender loads an image which he wants to send
2. Then he enters the text
3. He sets the password for text and finally encrypts it.
4. He saves the image and sends it across to receiver (Through email/Bluetooth or any other source).
Receiver’s Part:
1. Receiver opens the image in the application.
2. Enter password which was used for encrypting (Password can be pre-decided or shared)
3. After typing the password press Decrypt.
4. Text will be shown as it was sent by the Sender.
Discipline: Computer Science
Hardware/Software Requirements: 1. Processors P-IV or Corei3 with 4GB RAM,
2. Android Apps development Environment
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