Integrated library management system (ILMS)

Introduction & Background:-
The user will always have to visit more than one library for the desirable books which are time consuming and totally manual system. This project will tackle all the problems which were faced by the manual system and automate it through system. By implementing this system user will visit any library territory to search desired book where librarian can inform to user about exact book location and its library location by using centralized database.

Problem statement:-
Users have to visit the more than one library to find their desired books .This process sometimes makes annoy to the users. So by using our centralized system the users will have all information about his desired book. This will make an easy approach of searching books and facilitate the users through one central library.

  • Our goal is to automate the manual system of the libraries and provide a central automated system to whole Libraries.
  • Management system for different Libraries.
  • Provide information about book by using centralized system.
  • To provide availability and reliability to users.
  • To provide better and efficient management for librarian
Objectives of Project:- 
  • Provide a reliable platform librarian.
  • Facilitate the user by having information from different libraries by using centralized database.
  • Faster retrieval of desired book.
  • Reduced the work load of employee.
  • Provide facility for proper monitoring reduces paper work and provide data security.
  • It will provide facility to maintain the inventory of book by each library’s.
  • Check the report of issue book..
Scope of Project:-
This system will be applied in the Gujrat institute of Management Sciences. First of all for demo we will implement for two or three libraries then make it open for further libraries on Demand. It has the capability to expand for further feature. There is less error chances but more storage capacity require.
Outputs Expected from the Project:-
Output of this project will be a complete ILMS that will manage the books of whole libraries very comfortably, and provide information to our user at any library premises about Books and will maintain the inventory through one database for different number of libraries and they also maintain their own stock as well.
Limitation and Restriction:-
  • Librarian and  admin can login and update data
  • One library will not be able to access the data of another library. 
  • A librarian can view the list of books available in his library 
  • Books are not for selling so you can only borrow them.
System Architecture:-

Architecture of our application will be 3 tier as it will have 3 layers of implementation i.e. Librarian, application layer (Windows application) and library’s database. All the components of the system are shown in the figure below in their interacting state.

Functional Requirements:-
On the completion of System, the management system will provide the following services.

Admin services
  • Activate and deactivate the accounts
  • Registration of Librarians.
Facility of Login
Each library owner is assigned a username and password for their logins through which they can access their respective accounts.

Facilities of librarian
  • Add books, delete books, set books picture, edit books, issue books, and receive books, fine and fine history.
  • It will able to keep the whole record of book purchasing and available inventory of library.
  • It will also able to manage the membership record of library, and can manipulate them through automated system.
Facility to update data
The library owners can update their respective library data and can maintain the inventory through their respective accounts.
Facility of searching Books
The librarian can search for a specific book and the results will be shown for all the registered libraries for borrowers.
Database facility
Librarian will have their own database for his own library and it will also replicate into central database.
Non Function Requirements:-
Look and Feel Requirements
It is all about to interface that will facilitate to user with consistency standard throughout in all module of system which can’t make surprise to Libraians. Web interface should work correctly in different browsers.
Usability Requirements:-
We consider all steps of heuristic evaluation which will make usability of system efficient.
  • Interface should clear visibility and system status.
  • Module should have relevant material and provide help to avoid from mistake.
  • The product should be used by people with no training.
Performance Requirements:-
  • To maintain quality of system we have to focus on performance requirements.
  • Availability
  • Reliability
  • Response time will optimal
  • System should response maximum request simultaneously.
Security Requirements:-
The system should provide databases’ modification only for librarians and system administrator after authorization procedures. Personal information should be protected.
Development platform:-
We will use Windows as our development platform as all the tools we are going to use for the development are supported by Windows. We need system with large storage capacity to maintain database of multi libraries.
  • Operating system (Windows XP, Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 and Windows 10)
  • Microsoft visual studio 2012/ 2013/ 2015 (C#.Net)
  • SQL Server Express 2014

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