Hospital Management System

Hospital Management System
The purpose of Hospital Management System is to easily track the information of all the staffs, patients, treatment provided to the patients, and prescription and also to generate periodic reports for analysis. The main goal of the software is to build a good management tool. The main purpose of this software is to reduce the time taken through manual system in order to maintain all the records. System will maintains attendance of the employees. All the time in and time out of the employees will be maintained by the system.

The project “Hospital management system” is aimed to maintain the day–to-day state of admission/discharge of patients, list of doctors, reports generation, and etc.

It is designed to achieve the following objectives:
1. To computerize all details regarding patient details, doctor, staff, rooms, bill, Operation
     Theater details, appointment details and also maintains emergency records.
2. It will also maintain the record of other staff of a hospital.
3. The information of the patients should be kept up to date and there record should be kept in
    the system for future purpose.
4. The main aim of our project is to provide a paper-less hospital up to 90%.
5. System maintains attendance of the employees.

Project is related to Hospital Management System. The project maintains three levels of users:-
  • Administrator Level
  • Reception Level
  • Doctor

Main facilities available in this project are:
Maintaining records of indoor/outdoor patients, patients diagnosis details, patient’s prescription, shift
room details, discharge record, treatment and room details, doctor details and staff details. Providing
billing details for indoor/outdoor patients. Administrator can search a patient’s record by his/her name or their registration date.

Functional Requirement:
The system has three logins admin and doctor and receptionist.

1. Admin login:
  1. Administrator will register new patients, doctors, nurses and other staff members in the system.
  2. Administrator will check and allocate rooms and wards to the patient.
  3. Administrator will generate bills to the patient.
  4. Administrator will check the availability of doctors and rooms in case of emergency.
  5. Administrator will add operation theater details in the system.
  6. Administrator will view doctors, patients, nurses, rooms, wards and other staff details and also update and delete the records.
  7. Administrator will maintain record of inpatient and outpatient bill details.
  8. Administrator will also maintain record of treatment of the patients.
  9. Administrator will assign duties to staff.
  10. Administrator will search any patient, doctor or any other staff member.
  11. Administrator will maintain the record of emergency, rooms and doctors that are available at that time.
  12. Administrator will take attendance of the employees.
  13. System will generate reports of doctors which are available in hospitals.
  14. System will generate reports of the patients.
2. Reception Login:
  1. Receptionist will add new doctor in their system.
  2. Receptionist will add new nurses and other staff in their system.
  3. Receptionist will add new patients in their system
  4. Receptionist will have no right to modify or delete the records of patients, doctors and other staff.
  5. Receptionist will generate bill to the patients.
  6. Receptionist will take appointments from the patients.
  7. Receptionist will take attendance of the employees.
  8. Receptionist will add operation theater details.
  9. Check availability of rooms and allocate rooms to patients.

3. Doctor login:
  1. Doctor will view his patient’s history.
  2. Doctor will add description or any new treatment when any patient came to him.
Software Requirements:
  • Visual Studio 10/12/13/15 
  • Microsoft Visio
Hardware Requirements:
  • CPU Core 2Duo or above
  • RAM 2 GB
  • HHD 20 GB
Deployment Paltform:
  • Windows xp or above
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • C# Language

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