The main purpose of online vehicle showroom is to develop a user friendly application for vehicle showroom administrator as well as customers. This application allows storing of vehicle information, stock available at different location, product payment modes etc.
This will include the
login for both administrator and customers with their own scope of accessibility.
This software allows the
administrator a global scope and the customer with the limited scope and thus
helps in maintaining the security of the records.
The system will reduce the
manual operation required to maintain all the records of booking information
and also generates the various reports for analysis. Main concept of the
project is to generate transaction reports and customer records.
Currently this project
will be used for HERO HONDA
SPORTS, YAMAHA DELUXE etc. showroom and in future, this project can be useful for users who
wants online detail about the vehicles. And further this can be used by any
other vehicle showroom
- Project category (online)
- Software requirement’s
- Window XP or above
Hardware requirements
ü Processor
pantium4 or above
1GB or above
ü Platform
Window7 dot net farm work 3.0
Language used
§ Front
end Microsoft visual studio 2008
§ Back
end Microsoft SQL server 2008
Modules used
1 .Login:
This module will have a
drop down list box from where we have to select admin or common user, the admin
will have all the rights in the software including updating the status of his
site, the user will login by entering username and password, if the username
and password is correct then he is directed to the next page.
2. New user:
This module is for the
user who does not have account. He will create an account first to login, the
account creation is done by filling the registration from with user details
such as name, phone, email etc.
3. Product:
This module has
information regarding the vehicle such as its name, model, color, price,
information etc.
The admin has the
authority to add, delete, update the product details.
The common user can only
view the vehicles added to cart.
4. Accessories:
This module consists of
various available accessories of the vehicle with its name and description,
price information etc. in this we will also manage spare parts of the vehicle.
5. Search:
This module help the
customer to ease his search based on cost and his interest, this search can be
done on different categories like model no, color, price etc.
6. Cart:
User can select a vehicle
and demand for to the 2nd hand or new vehicle. The said vehicle will be delivered
by truck or van etc.
7. Payment:
This module describes the
payment done by the customer. The payment information can include options like
the model purchased, quantity, color, model of payment (cash, loan) etc.
8 .Stock:
This module give the the
details regarding the product available for sale at the present time in the
9. customer
Employee can easily show
different vehicle along with their specification to the customer, Some
attributes of customer can be customer id, name, contact number.
10. Salary
Salary of Employee will be
added here.
11. Delivery:
On the basis of demand,
vehicle can be delivered to the customer to their respective address. Attributes
will include city name, street number, customer
address, delivery date etc.
12. Employee:
Employee information will
exist here like emp name, id, contact number, experience etc.
13. Feedback:
Customer can give his feedback on show room easily.
14. Lost and profit:
This module show us all
information about loss and profit.
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