A Collaborative Drawing Board

Traditional forms of telecommunication 10 years ago would’ve probably limited you to phone calls and SMS (Short Message Service) text messages for the times when it wasn’t appropriate to answer your phone. Widespread availability of data services such as GSM and CDMA along with an increasing adoption rate of smartphones - and even tablets, have meant that the methods of communication and collaboration between each other are no longer confined to voice calls and text messages , it is interesting to express ideas with drawing, or describe a location with a diagram. You don’t necessarily have to use it for communication, you could just enjoy a quick game of tic-tac-toe, or share a funny sketch onto Facebook - the possibilities are endless.

In this Idea we aim to develop a peer-to-peer collaborative drawing board. We will use operational transform to synchronize users’ activities. Tele-pointer will be used to differentiate curser of individual user on the drawing board. A chat panel should also be included.

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