Consider the following situation: There are two people; each of them has a collection of different colored balls. For example person A has 2 red, 1 yellow and 1 blue ball. Also each person has an objective of what selection of colored balls he/she would like to achieve. The two people can now start to negotiate. Offering 2 red balls for a yellow one and so on.... The negotiation will take place, some balls get exchanged, until either a certain time is up or both people don't want to trade any more.
For just two people this situation can be already tricky, but now imagine a whole network of these people (Agents). Each agent with a selection of colored balls and an individual objective selection that they would like to achieve. The negotiation of making and accepting offers is no longer done by people but by computer programs for each agent.
The aim of this idea is to create a computer program that allows the simulation of such a scenario.
The basic features of the product would be to handle starting selection objectives of each agent, and negotiation among them.
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