Online Rent a Car and Car Showroom

System Analysis

For the analysis and design of system, object oriented methodology is followed, because it provides a natural way to analyze and design of a real world entities. It is easy to understand the system with the help of identifying objects in real life.The representation of analysis and design diagrams is done using Unified Modeling Language.

Functional Requirements

The list of functional requirements is as follows.

Online Customer Registration
System will help the customer to register the customers online to the system and then they can search the vehicle
·                           Login as customer.
·                           Selection of vehicle
·                           Selection of booking schedule
·                           Online bidding
Online Owner Registration
Owner will register to the system and then they will place the vehicle for the rent or sale on bidding
·                           Login as Owner
·                           Place vehicle
·                           Can view their vehicle status
Online Vehicle Booking
Customers can reserve the vehicle online
·                           Login to system
·                           Select Vehicle
·                           Make Online Booking
Online Vehicle Auction
Customers can also bid for the vehicle online
·                           Login to system
·                           Select Vehicle
·                           Make Online Bidding
Online Information
The system provides the information to the users
·                           Vehicle information
·                           Customers information
·                           Owners detail
Admin Section
Admin will be able to do following functionalities
·                           Management of Customers (update, edit, delete).
·                           Management of Owners (update, edit, delete).
·                           Management of Vehicles (update, edit, delete).
·                           Management of information (add, edit, delete).
·                           Management of vehicle bidding (add, edit, delete).

Nonfunctional Requirements

Performance Requirements

The software “OU” will be designed to stream multimedia consents over internet, there will be huge usage of resources which cant be managed by a single server to overcome this issue we will introduced little bit idea of cloud computing so that software will provide reliability, efficiency, and excellent response time.
The users of my software will be facilitating by the following usability factors
·         Specify the required training time for a normal users and power users to become productive at particular operations
·         Specify measurable task times for typical tasks, or
·         Specify requirements to confirm to common usability standards, for example, IBM’s CUA standards or Microsoft’s GUI standards.


Through thoughtful and effective software engineering, all steps of the software development process will be well documented to ensure maintainability of the product throughout its lifetime. The extent of the design is well within the range of "normal” desktop application.


Reliability will deal with the set of attributes that bear on the capability of System to maintain its level of performance under stated conditions for a stated period of time also Reliability is the extent to which a measurement instrument yields consistent, stable, and uniform results over repeated observations or measurements under the same conditions each time.
 The system will be available 24/7 means 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and Authorized Persons / Users can access the system any time with out facing any trouble.
Development Tools
ASP.Net using C#.Net
Macromedia Flash

SQL Server 

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