In Information & coding Theory, with application in Computer Sciences & Telecommunication, error detection & Correction as well as error control techniques are quite significant. These techniques enable reliable delivery of digital data over unreliable communication channels. Many communication channels are subject to channel noise, and thus errors may be introduced during transmission from the source to a receiver. Error detection techniques allow detecting such errors, while error correction enables reconstruction of the original data. Turbo codes are a class of linear block codes that can be used in this project with various rates depending upon the Channel State Information (CSI). The CSI will be calculated based on different estimation techniques. On the basis on CSI, the best suited coding rate and modulation scheme will be selected that can enhance the propagation channel performance and reliable delivery.
MATLAB/C++ based TURBO channel encoder and decode will be developed to test the performance of proposed codes over noisy propagation channels environments like i.e Gaussian and Fading channels are simulated. Student is required to Implement an application interface which gives users an option to set no of simulation parameters (No of Data Packets, Propagation channel, Coding Type, Decoding type, Coding rate, etc). Student is also required to use the multimedia data to validate its results.
Discipline: Wireless Networks, Telecommunication Systems
Hardware/Software/Other Requirements
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